I literally grinned when I read the premise for the “Carnal Machines” anthology.
Mad science, sex, and a story set during Queen Victoria’s reign. A titillating trio of my favorite subjects, this was right up my alley. I had never written anything in this genre but I had to be a part of this.
Being a die hard Trekie and a Discovery Channel junkie with a life long curiosity of what make things work took care of the science.
The prolific “Anonymous” wrote the first bit erotica I ever read. Tart tales set in a time when the mores were different. I love the verbiage, especially the naughty words, most of which in my word-hoarding mind. The body concealing clothing, voluminous skirts made from yards of material, with the layers of petticoats, and the tightly laced corsets women had to wear to keep everything tucked in place.
And then, there were the rules set by society. The manner with which a lady should conduct herself, and what wasn’t permissible. Showing an ankle was scandalous.
But what fascinates me most is what it hid. The seething sexuality beneath the façade of propriety. Don’t you love the incongruity of it?
My interest in gadgetry of a sexual nature came to my attention as a teenager exploring my Granny’s attic. I came across yellowed catalogue peddling thingamajigs to ease or cure female hysteria. Frankly, some of them looked down right dangerous. The science was wonky but I could use that, and put my own spin on it for my story.
Once I started to type, this tart tale flowed, and it was the easiest piece I have ever written. I feel privileged to have to have a story included in this collection of imaginative stories with these talented authors.
A big thank you to our editor, D.L. King for putting this volume together. Thanks Ladies, Renee Michaels.

Goal for this week Dahlia

Posted: July 1, 2010 in Uncategorized

RL: Get back on my tread mill twenty minutes three times this week. Eat healthier

Wed: Work on my WIP, at least five pages.. Take a second look at the story I’m writing for an anthology. One thousand words down  four to.

Thurs: Edit two chapters of  secondary WIP. Write a thousand word of His Wanted Wolf.

Fri: WIP again at least two thousand wordsDo crits for crit partners. Read chapters of Weekend Novelist, so behind

Sat: Review what I’ve written for the week if the dots are connected, forge on. Write all day. Ten pages because no work.

Sun: Fourth of July. Attend chat. prepare pages to send out for critique

Mon: Back to Work..Two thousand words. on WIP. Edit chapter of secondary WIP

Tues:  Do crits for crit partners. Review critiques


Posted: June 30, 2010 in Uncategorized

Goals–. Finish His Wanted Wolf, it lagged in the middle, but now it is going fast and furious. Approx. sixty thousand words written. Twenty to go. I just worte a love scene not sure about it… of course I will be editing that repeatedly. I will post a more detail gaol plan for next week.

Wrote five pages to day– figure if I write at least ten a day. I should be good.

Personal goal: Clean out the refriderator. Hate that.

Hello world!

Posted: June 26, 2010 in Uncategorized

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